Friday, October 23, 2015

1. Charter 1925




By virtue of the authority vested in The Most Holy Prophet, Noble Drew Ali and the Moorish Holy Temple of Science, Inc., by a lawfully granted Charter of the State of New Jersey hath granted this   


With the assistance of the Prophet



4. The Moorish Science Temple of America is a lawfully chartered and incorporated organization. Any subordinate Temple that desires to receive a charter; the prophet has them to issue to every state throughout the United States, etc. to this branch of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science, at Jersey City in the County of Hudson and State of New Jersey to be styled and known as Moorish Science Temple of America No. 1 invested with all the powers and privileges of a Subordinate Temple within the jurisdiction of the said Home Office.

Hear Ye!

Jurisdiction aforesaid by virtue of whose authority it exists, while acting in conformity with the laws, rules and regulations of the Home Temple and the said subordinate Temple aforesaid, being duly and lawfully organized, constituted and established, is hereby authorized and empowered to initiate and confer the degrees of said Temple in accordance with the established forms and usages upon all such persons as are duly and lawfully qualified. To promote and practice the teachings of all the true and divine prophets: Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius, Etc. The officers and members, who benefit under this charter, do hereby pledge themselves to act at all times in obedience to the commands and edicts of the illustrious Noble Drew Ali, the founder and head of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science, Inc. The Home office can at any time suspend, revoke or take away this Charter or Warrant of Authority if in the judgement of our Grand Ruler and Prophet Noble Drew Ali, said subordinate Temple has violated any of the principles or rules of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science, Inc. In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the Seal of the said Moorish Holy Temple of Science, Inc. This 20 day of September A.D. 2009 at c/o Moorish Science Temple of America 318 Martin Luther King Drive, Box 30 Jersey City, NJ Email:




Forced to make changes. All Governors and other officers of the Moorish Science Temple of America are hereby congratulated for their past loyalty and fidelity, for I will know it will be the same in the future. Because of some certain incidents that have risen in some of the Temples, which seem to come to the fact that there are some who do not know where the seat of power is vested. The Prophet has ordered the following to be published:


The Prophet has authority and power to expel any officer or member who willfully violates or refuses to comply with the rules in regards to Branch Moorish Science Temples, and suspensions and expulsions shall stand until the judgment of the Prophet. The members and officers shall have made satisfactory atonement. All officers and members of the Moorish Science Temple of America and any such rules and regulations of the Constitution shall be in writing and not at variance with any City, Town, or Nation, which the Prophet shall declare law. During this session of the convention, all rules, regulations, and laws, of the Constitution as such might be enacted and ordered by the Prophet shall express and explain in detail, so there can be no doubt as to what is required of each and every Officer or member of the organization. The Prophet will positively not tolerate any interference with the operation of this National and Divine Movement from anyone.  



5. That the world may hear and know the truth, that among the descendants of Africa there is still much wisdom to be learned in these days for the redemption of the sons of men under Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice.

6. We, as a clean and pure nation descended from the inhabitants of Africa, do not desire to amalgamate or marry into the families of the pale skin nations of Europe. Neither serves the gods of their religion, because our forefathers are the true and divine founders of the first religious creed, for the redemption and salvation of mankind on earth. 

7. Therefore we are returning the Church and Christianity back to the European Nations, as it was prepared by their forefathers for their earthly salvation.

8. While we, the Moorish Americans are returning to Islam, which was founded by our forefathers for our earthly and divine salvation. 

9. The covenant of the great God-Allah: "Honor they father and they mother that thy days may be longer upon the earth land, which the Lord thy God, Allah hath given thee!"

10. Come all ye Asiatics of America and hear the truth about your nationality and birthrights, because you are not negroes. Learn of your forefathers ancient and divine Creed. That you will learn to love instead of hate.

11. We are trying to uplift fallen humanity. Come and link yourselves with the families of nations. We honor all the true and divine prophets

A Divine Warning By The Prophet For The Nations

From The Prophet (Drew Ali)

The citizens of all free national governments according to their national constitution are all of one family bearing one free national name. Those who fail to recognize the free national name of their constitutional government are classes as undesirables, and are subject to all inferior names and abuses and mistreatments that the citizens car to bestow upon them. And it is a sin for any group of people to violate the national constitutional laws of a free national government and cling to the names and the principles that delude to slavery.

I, the Prophet, was prepared by the Great God Allah to warn my people to repent from their sinful ways and go back to that state of mind to their forefathers' Divine and national principles that they will be law-abiders and receive their divine right as citizens, according to the free national constitution that was prepared for all free national beings. They are to claim their own free national name and religion.

There is but one issue for them to be recognized by this government and of the earth and it comes only through the connection of the Moorish Divine National Movement, which is incorporated in this government and recognized by all other nations of the world. And through it they and their children can receive their Divine rights, unmolested by other citizens that they can cast a free national ballot at the polls under the free national constitution of the States Government and not under a granted privilege as has been the existing condition for many generations.

You who doubt whether I, the Prophet, and my principles are right for the redemption of my people, go to those that know law, in the City Hall and among the officials in your government and ask them under an intelligent tone, and they will be glad to render you a favorable reply, for they are glad to see me bring you out of darkness into light. Money doesn’t make the man, it is free national standards and power that makes a man and a nation. The wealth of all national governments, gold and silver and commerce belong to the citizens alone and without your national citizenship by name and principles, you have no true wealth, and I am hereby calling on all true citizens that stand for a National Free Government, and the enforcement of the constitution to help me in my great missionary work because I need all support from all true American citizens of the United States of America. Help me to save my people who have fallen from the constitutional laws of government. I am depending on your support to get them back to the constitutional fold again that they will learn to love instead of hate, and will live according to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice, supporting our free national constitution of the United States of America.

I Love my people and I desire their unity and mine back to their own National and Divine standard because day by day they have been violating the national and constitutional laws of their government by claiming names and principles that are unconstitutional. If Italians, Greeks, English, Chinese, Japanese, Turks, and Arabians are forced to proclaim their free national name and religion before the constitutional government of the United States of America, it is no more than right that the law should be enforced upon all other American citizens alike. In all other governments when a man is born and raised there and asked for his national descent name and if he fails to give it, he is misused, imprisoned, or exiled. Any group of people that fail to answer up to the constitutional standards of law by name and principles, because to be a citizen of any government you must claim your national descent name. Because they place their trust upon issue and names formed by their forefathers.

The word Negro deludes in the Latin language to the word nigger; the same as the word “colored” deludes to anything that is painted, varnished and dyed. And every nation must bear a national descent name of their forefathers, because honoring thy fathers and they mothers, your days will be lengthened upon this earth. These names have never been recognized by any true American citizen of this day. Through your free national name you are known and recognized by all nations of the earth that are recognized by said national government in which they live. The 14th and 15th Amendments brought the North and South in unit, placing the Southerners who were at that time without power, with the constitutional body of power. And at that time, 1865, the free national constitutional law that was enforced since 1774 declared all men equal and free, and if all men are declared by the free national constitution to be free and equal since that constitution has never been changed, there is no need for the application of the 14th and 15th Amendments for the salvation of our people and citizens.

So, there isn’t but one supreme issue for my people to use to redeem that which was lost, and that is through the above statements. Then the lion and the lamb can lie down together in yonder hills. And neither will be harmed, because Love, Truth, peace, Freedom and Justice will be reigning in this land. In those days the United States will be one of the greatest civilized and prosperous governments of the world, but if the above principles are not carried out by the citizens and my people in this government, the worst is yet to come, because the Great God of the Universe is not pleased with the works that are being performed in North America by my people and this great sin must be removed from the land to save it from enormous earthquakes, diseases, etc. And, I, the Prophet, do hereby believe that this administration of the government being more wisely prepared by more genius citizens that believe in their free national constitution and laws and through the help of such classes of citizens, I, the Prophet, truly believe that my people will find the true and Divine way of their forefathers, and learn to stop serving carnal customs and merely ideas of man, that have never done them any good, but have always harmed them.

So, I, the Prophet, am hereby calling aloud with a Divine plea to all true American citizens to help me to remove this great sin which has been committed and is being practiced by my people in the United States of America, because they know it is not the true and Divine way and, without understanding they have fallen from the true light into utter darkness of sin, and there is not a nation on earth today that will recognize them socially, religiously, politically or economically, etc. In their present condition of their endearment in which they themselves try to force upon a civilized world, they will not refrain from their sinful ways of action and their deeds have brought Jim-Crowism, segregation, and everything that brings harm to human beings on earth. And they fought the Southerner for all these great misuses, but I have traveled in the South and have examined conditions there, and it is the works of my people continuously practicing the things which bring dishonor, disgrace, and disrespect to any nation that lives the life. And I am hereby calling on all true American citizens for moral support and finance to help me in my great missionary work to bring my people out of darkness into marvelous light.  From the P 

Needs Strong Men And Women 

"If you have race pride and love your race, join the Moorish Science Temple of America in North America Doing Business Now In Hudson County, Jersey City, New Jersey Teaching Basic Civics as a part of this Divine Movement, then you will have power to redeem your race because you know who you are, and who your forefathers were. Because where there is unity there is strength. 'Together we stand, divided we fall'.

Contact information
By: Ray Ma’at El-Bey c/o Moorish Science Temple of America 318 Martin Luther King Drive, Box 30 Jersey City, NJ Telephone number: 201.238.0497 Email:

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