Wednesday, October 21, 2015

16. What is meant by the word Black ? Old English From late 14c

Questionnaire for Moorish Children / 101's

85. Name some of the marks that were put upon the Moors of Northwest, by the European nations in 1774? Negro, Black, Colored and Ethiopian.

Negro (n.) Look up Negro at"member of a black-skinned race of Africa," 1550s, from Spanish or Portuguese negro "black," from Latin nigrum (nominative niger) "black, dark, sable, dusky," figuratively "gloomy, unlucky, bad, wicked," of unknown origin (perhaps from PIE *nekw-t- "night;" see Watkins). As an adjective from 1590s. Use with a capital N- became general early 20c. (e.g. 1930 in "New York Times" stylebook) in reference to U.S. citizens of African descent, but because of its perceived association with white-imposed attitudes and roles the word was ousted late 1960s in this sense by Black (q.v.).

87. What is meant by the word Black?

black (n.) Look up black at Old English blæc "the color black," also "ink," from noun use of black (adj.). From late 14c. as "dark spot in the pupil of the eye." The meaning "black person, African" is from 1620s (perhaps late 13c., and blackamoor is from 1540s). To be in the black (1922) is from the accounting practice of recording credits and balances in black ink.

For years it has been a common practice to use red ink instead of black in showing a loss or deficit on corporate books, but not until the heavy losses of 1921 did the contrast in colors come to have a widely understood meaning. ["Saturday Evening Post," July 22, 1922]

 88. What does the word colored mean?  

colored (adj.) Look up colored at Dictionary.comlate 14c., past participle adjective from color (v.); in reference to "non-white skin," 1610s.

 89. What does Ethiopia mean?

Ethiopian (n.) Look up Ethiopian at Dictionary.com1550s; see Ethiop + -ian. As an adjective from 1680s; earlier adjective was Ethiopic (1650s).

Ethiop (n.) Look up Ethiop at Dictionary.comlate 14c., from Latin Æthiops "Ethiopian, negro," from Greek Aithiops, long supposed in popular etymology to be from aithein "to burn" + ops "face" (compare aithops "fiery-looking," later "sunburned").

 90. Can a man be a Negro, Black, Colored or Ethiopian? No.

91. Why? Because man is made in the Image and after the likeness of God, Allah.


What is meant by the word slave?

slave (n.) Look up slave at Dictionary.comlate 13c., "person who is the chattel or property of another," from Old French esclave (13c.), from Medieval Latin Sclavus "slave" (source also of Italian schiavo, French esclave, Spanish esclavo), originally "Slav" (see Slav); so used in this secondary sense because of the many Slavs sold into slavery by conquering peoples.

  The Holy Koran of
The Moorish Science Temple of America


15. The time has come when every nation must worship under its own vine and fig tree, and every tongue must confess his own.

16. Through sin and disobedience every nation has suffered slavery, due to the fact that they honored not the creed and principles of their forefathers.

17. That is why the nationality of the Moors was taken away from them in 1774 and the word negro, black and colored, was given to the Asiatics of America who were of Moorish descent, because they honored not the principles of their mother and father, and strayed after the gods of Europe of whom they knew nothing.

1. Italy            Italian                             an Italian

2. Spain          Spanish       (a Spanish person, someone from Spain)

3. Portugal    Portuguese              a Portuguese person

5. France        French                   a Frenchman/Frenchwoman

6. Wales          Welsh                   a Welshman/Welshwoman

7. England    English                   a Englishman/Englishwoman 

8. Scotland    Scottish       a Scottishman /Scottishwoman                 

9. Ireland          Irish                      an Irishman/Irishwoman

10. Holland       Dutch                   a Dutchman/Dutchwoman

11. Germany    German                 a German/ Gerwoman

12. Greece         Greek                            a Greek

13. Belgium       Belgian                           a Belgian

14 Finland          Finnish                             a Finn

15. Sweden      Swedish                           a Swede

16. Japan          Japanese                    a Japanese person

17. China           Chinese                    a Chinese person

18. India             Hindus                          an Hindus      

19. Turkey        Turkish                             a Turk

20. Morocco   Moroccan  Moroccan man/ Moroccan woman                        




30. Ethiopian.

A Divine Warning by the Prophet for the Nations

From The Prophet (Drew Ali)

I Love my people and I desire their unity and mine back to their own National and Divine standard because day by day they have been violating the national and constitutional laws of their government by claiming names and principles that are unconstitutional. If Italians, Greeks, English, Chinese, Japanese, Turks, and Arabians are forced to proclaim their free national name and religion before the constitutional government of the United States of America, it is no more than right that the law should be enforced upon all other American citizens alike. In all other governments when a man is born and raised there and asked for his national descent name and if he fails to give it, he is misused, imprisoned, or exiled. Any group of people that fail to answer up to the constitutional standards of law by name and principles, because to be a citizen of any government you must claim your national descent name. Because they place their trust upon issue and names formed by their forefathers.

The Divine Constitution and By-Laws

ACT 6. – With us all members must proclaim their nationality and we are teaching our people their nationality and their Divine Creed that they may know that they are a part and a partial of this said government, and know that they are not Negroes, Colored Folks, Black People or Ethiopians, because these names were given to slaves by slave holders in 1779 and lasted until 1865 during the time of slavery, (Reconstruction 1865–1877) but this is a new era of time now, and all men now must proclaim their free national name to be recognized by the government in which they live and the nations of the earth, this is the reason why Allah the Great god of the universe ordained Noble Drew Ali, the Prophet to redeem his people from their sinful ways. The Moorish Americans are the descendants of the ancient Moabites whom inhabited the North western and South Western shores of Africa.

What is meant by the word Morocco?

Morocco Look up Morocco at Dictionary.comcountry in northwest Africa, from Italian, from Berber Marrakesh (properly the name of the city of Marrakesh), from Arabic Maghrib-al-Aqsa "Extreme West." Compare French Maroc, German Marokko. In English, the first vowel has been altered, apparently by influence of Moor. Related: Moroccan.

What is meant by the word Moor?

Moor (n.) Look up Moor at"North African, Berber," late 14c., from Old French More, from Medieval Latin Morus, from Latin Maurus "inhabitant of Mauritania" (northwest Africa, a region now corresponding to northern Algeria and Morocco), from Greek Mauros, perhaps a native name, or else cognate with mauros "black" (but this adjective only appears in late Greek and may as well be from the people's name as the reverse). Being a dark people in relation to Europeans, their name in the Middle Ages was a synonym for "Negro;" later (16c.-17c.) used indiscriminately of Muslims (Persians, Arabs, etc.) but especially those in India.

What is meant by the word Moorish?

Moorish (adj.) Look up Moorish at"of or pertaining to Moors," mid-15c., from Moor + -ish.

What is meant by the word Blackamoor?

Blackamoor (n.) Look up Blackamoor at"dark-skinned person," 1540s, from black (adj.) + Moor, with connecting element.

What is meant by the word America?

America Look up America at Dictionary.com1507, in Cartographer Martin Waldseemüller's treatise "Cosmographiae Introductio," from Modern Latin Americanus, after Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512) who made two trips to the New World as a navigator and claimed to have discovered it. His published works put forward the idea that it was a new continent, and he was first to call it Novus Mundus "New World." Amerigo is more easily Latinized than Vespucci.

  The Holy Koran of
The Moorish Science Temple of America


6. We, as a clean and pure nation descended from the inhabitants of Africa, do not desire to amalgamate or marry into the families of the pale skin nations of Europe. Neither serve the gods of their religion, because our forefathers are the true and divine founders of the first religious creed, for the redemption and salvation of mankind on earth.

7. Therefore we are returning the Church and Christianity back to the European Nations, as it was prepared by their forefathers for their earthly salvation.

8. While we, the Moorish Americans are returning to Islam, which was founded by our forefathers for our earthly and divine salvation.

9. The covenant of the great God-Allah: "Honor they father and they mother that thy days may be longer upon the earth land, which the Lord thy God, Allah hath given thee!"

10. Come all ye Asiatics of America and hear the truth about your nationality and birthrights, because you are not negroes. Learn of your forefathers ancient and divine Creed. That you will learn to love instead of hate.

11. We are trying to uplift fallen humanity. Come and link yourselves with the families of nations. We honor all the true and divine prophets.

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